Writing Implementations

Message implementations can be done as free-standing functions or two different forms of object instance methods.

Pure Configuration

You can register a message implementation through pure config:

from pyramid.config import Configurator

def main(global_config, **settings):
    config = Configurator(settings=settings)


    # The message name can be derived from the function
    config.register_avro_route("hello", "avro_project.views:hello_world")

    # Or set explicitly
    config.register_avro_route("hello", "avro_project.views:other_message",

Using Decorators

Free-standing functions

Define a simple implementation function is as easy as follows:

# The message name can be derived from the function
def hello_world(request):
    return "Hello, {}!".format(request.avro_data["arg"])

# Or set explicitly
@avro_message(service_name="hello", message="other_message")
def other_message_impl(request):
    return "Hello, other {}!".format(request.avro_data["arg"])

It’s possible to use an object instance for implementing your service methods, too.

There are two ways service routes can be defined.

Classes: Service Name Specified

The service name can be setup under the class as a property:

class HelloProtocol(object):

    service_name = "hello"

    # The message name can be derived from the function
    def hello_world(self, request):
        return "Hello, {}!".format(request.avro_data["arg"])

    # Or set explicitly
    def other_message_impl(self, request):
        return "Hello, other {}!".format(request.avro_data["arg"])

Classes: Service Name Derived

Or the name can be derived from the class name (it’s .lower()‘d):

class Hello(object):

    # The message name can be derived from the function
    def hello_world(self, request):
        return "Hello, {}!".format(request.avro_data["arg"])

    # Or set explicitly
    def other_message_impl(self, request):
        return "Hello, other {}!".format(request.avro_data["arg"])