
Below are the minimal steps needed to get up and running with an avro-based pyramid app.

Setup Pyramid

Setup a virtualenv:

virtualenv avro-project
source avro-project/bin/activate

Install pyramid:

pip install pyramid pyramid-avro

Create starter scaffold:

pcreate avro-project

Then make sure your app is setup:

cd avro-project && python setup.py develop


Download the avro-tools jar here: avro-tools, and put it in a lib directory.

Make a protocols directory and add a simple “Hello, World!” avro protocol, called hello.avdl:

protocol HelloProtocol {
    error Exception {
        string message;

    string hello_world(string arg) throws Exception;

Your file tree should now look like this:

├── avro_project
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── protocols
│   │   └── hello.avdl
│   ├── static
│   │   ├── pyramid-16x16.png
│   │   ├── pyramid.png
│   │   └── theme.css
│   ├── templates
│   │   └── mytemplate.pt
│   ├── tests.py
│   └── views.py
├── CHANGES.txt
├── development.ini
├── lib
│   └── avro-tools.jar
├── production.ini
├── pytest.ini
├── README.txt
└── setup.py

Configure Routes

In your development.ini file, add these options:

pyramid_includes =

# Set the base URL path prefix, other wise it's /<service-name>
avro.default_path_prefix = /avro

# Set up base protocol dir.
avro.protocol_dir = %(here)s/avro_project/protocols

# Set auto-compile to true.
avro.auto_compile = true

# Where tools jar lives:
avro.tools_jar = $(here)s/lib/avro-tools.jar

# Begin service definitions:
avro.service.hello =
    protocol = hello.avdl

Now we need to add an implementation for the hello message. In the views.py file, add this:

from pyramid_avro.decorators import avro_message

@avro_message(service_name="hello", message="hello_world")
def hello_handler(request):
    return "Hello, {}!".format(request.avro_data["arg"])

Now run the server in one terminal:

pserve development.ini

Congratulations! You now have an avro service running on the /avro/hello endpoint of your pyramid application!

Client Integration

A simple test_client.py would look like the following:

import os

from avro import ipc
from avro import protocol

here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
protocol_file = os.path.join(here, "avro_project", "protocols", "hello.avpr")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open(protocol_file) as _file:
        protocol_object = protocol.parse(_file.read())
    driver = ipc.HTTPTransceiver("localhost", 6543, "/avro/hello")
    client = ipc.Requestor(protocol_object, driver)

    response = client.request("hello_world", {"arg": "World"})
    print response

And upon execution, you’d see:

$ python test_client.py
Hello, World!